Saturday, February 5, 2011


This is what many parents wonder because their kids usually have only one or two lessons of English a week, either at school or as an extracurricular activity. Well, this is easier than it seems. Forget about sitting and doing boring written activities (little children can´t even read or write in their native language). So, how about having a little fun with your kids in your spare time?. Sing, dance, mime, watch cartoons and read books with simple vocabulary.
If you´re worried about your own level of English,there´s no need to, for books, songs and cartoons for children contain quite easy vocabulary. Remember, they´re for kids and the words they need are mainly connected to everyday life so, even if you have a low level of English, you´ll be able to do it really well. GO FOR IT!

By the way, take a look at Super Simple Songs and English Songs for Kids. They teach English through songs. They´re fantastic!!

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